

Naughty Nodes is a protocol created by and for degens that will change what people know as Defi-as-a-service (Daas) protocol giving to the investors a steady flow of revenues coming from Yield Farming, Spot Trading, Futures, Degen Plays and more.

All investors will be able to get a passive income of up to 2,555% APR by owning a Naughty Node.

Our nodes are created by an ERC-721 standard Smart Contract so they can be transferred, purchased, or sold on the market.

If you are new to these kind of protocols, you might be wondering "wtf is a node?" In this case, a node is an ERC-721 NFT that investors buy with our main ERC-20 token.

Nodes will be represented as Naughty Robots NFTs and they are purchased with $SPLOOGE token.

In return, the investors receive a regular income paid in $SPLOOGE by staking the nodes in our protocol, where the APR depends of the rarity of the NFT and it's between 1% and 7% per day.

The main goal of the protocol is to give the investors an unique and profitable experience just by owning a Naughty Robot NFT.

Be Naughty

In the past months, the concept of "nodes" has become very popular among the crypto degens.

The typical node project allows you to lock forever a specified number of tokens in exchange of daily yield.

The problem with these protocols is that they rely on new investors in order to appreciate the token price and the protocol ends being a simple ponzi scheme where only the early investors win.

We are here to change the game, we will not only generate the appreciation of the $SPLOOGE by injecting to the protocol the profits made from the use of treasury funds on Yield Farming, Spot Trading, Futures, Degen Plays and more, but also, making the nodes ERC-721 that can be traded.
Naughty RobotsPreviously, nodes couldn't be transferred, bought, or sold on the market. Naughty nodes adds the ERC-721 standard to the node concept (like Univ did), allowing them to be traded, exchanged, and transferred outside the main $SPLOOGE token, opening new doors to this unique idea.
Burn your tokens to get a Naughty RobotWhen buying a Naughty Robot, 100% of your tokens are burned. This action ensures that as the Naughty Robot populaltion grows, it inherently increases the value of the $SPLOOGE token due to scarcity.
Treasury ManagementWe will manually remove a portion of the liquidity that is generated and sent to us through fees, rather than employing massive micro-sells triggered by compounding/reward claims. We will never sell any token directly; instead, we will maintain the USDC side of the LP. This saves a lot of gas for everyone and eliminates any bearish bias in the community.


Q1 2022 — Launch phase
  • Launch of the website and digital social medias
  • Contract rollout
  • Initial liquidity on listing
  • CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko submissions
  • Bringing revenues to the community through buy back & burn of generated revenues
  • First marketing campaign (with selected influencers and Twitter Ads)
  • Community development
  • Implement of Love Garage
  • Infrastructure improvement (Multi-sig)
Q2 2022 — Growth Phase
  • Further marketing push with:
  • Selected influencers
  • Media coverage campaigns
  • AMA
  • TikTok, Instagram and Facebook ads
  • Adding low and high-risk protocols for yield farming and staking
  • Looking for an auditing partner and performing an assessment of the smart contracts
Q3 2022 — Utility Phase
  • Implementation of the DAO/voting mechanism for the community
  • Small and/or mid-size CEX listing
  • Public ladder board for the biggest accounts
Q4 2022 — Expansion Phase
  • Attempting for top tier CEX listing